Founded in 2004 by Paul V. Facchina, Sr., FGS, LLC was formed as a separate company outside his already established portfolio of companies to provide focused services and capabilities to the Department of Defense, Intelligence Community, and Industry.  FGS takes pride in delivering the same quality and commitment that earned Paul Facchina Sr. the admiration and respect as a proven industry leader for more than a quarter-century. “Excellence in Every Endeavor” is Mr. Facchina’s hallmark of success that continues to exemplify his people, drives superior performance, and creates an exceptional customer experience for all of his clients. Just a few examples of his extraordinary achievements include:

  • Rescue, recovery and reconstruction efforts at the Pentagon following September 11th
  • The Phoenix Project – the restoration of the Pentagon damage 3 1/2 months ahead of schedule
  • The New World Symphony Concert Hall and Music School in Miami Beach, FL
  • The Turnberry Tower in Arlington, VA
  • The three new 11th Street Bridges across the Anacostia River in Washington, DC.

FGS’s first year was spent establishing three important pieces of infrastructure: a security capability that included facilities and security management professionals; a robust, scalable, and DCAA-compliant financial management system operated by knowledgeable and experienced people; and, a contracts management team experienced in both “white-world” and classified contracting procedures and methodologies. Upon meeting these objectives, FGS began competing for (and winning) Government and commercial contracts. Today, having built upon the successful foundation established in that first year, FGS is now an international, leading edge provider of technical services to include Intelligence Analysis and Operations, Secure Information Systems, and Security and Software Engineering. Our turn-key solutions include the design, engineering, deployment, operations, and sustainment of secure technology and critical infrastructure for the protection and safety of our customers’ mission-critical information, processes, and personnel.

We are pleased to carry on the heritage of 25 years of excellence established by Paul Facchina and offer proven and trusted services supported by highly qualified and dedicated personnel with the sincere desire to serve the Nation, our customers, and also the men and women serving on the “pointy end of the spear” with all the passion, energy, and talent that we can muster. We are humbled by the ever-increasing trust and confidence in our ability to deliver quality and valued technical services.